

The franchise contract appeared in the 19th century. It represents a gain in customer base and productivity for a company.

The deductible allows you to share a company’s fixed costs such as marketing and communication. But, it developed in the 1950s in the United States and in the 1960s in France.

There are four types of deductibles:

  • Mixed franchise-succursalism network: The franchisor manages franchise and own-name businesses.
  • Multi-franchise: Network of enters under the same sign.
  • Master-franchise: Franchise has the right to sub-franchise the concept to franchisees in a geographic area.
  • Pluri-franchise: Franchise owns several franchises of several brands.

In addition to the productivity gain, it has its share of surprises. Franchised its image, its concept or its product is not easy. It must be ensured that the franchisee meets all of the standards set out in the contract. A failure at a franchisee can damage your image and a malicious franchisee can hijack its image for the benefit so as not to have to pay its famous “royalties”.

The private detectives of the Prometheus Group set up regular checks on many franchises. Specializing in the search for evidence, the work of the private detectives of the Prometheus Group consists in preventing any breach of the franchise agreement and establishing an effective process for your image.

Our Expertise

Our areas of intervention

Checking franchise compliance

The compliance of franchisees is a crucial point in the development of your brand image, it is important to regularly monitor this compliance.

Branding verification

The success of your franchise network depends on the brand image conveyed by your franchisees, you want to check your brand image? How can you make sure your image is profitable?

Checking customer hijacking

Customer misappropriation is the result of a misappropriation of your know-how by the franchisee. He wants to evade his obligations. Want to check your franchisee’s transparency?