According to the information held by the lawyer: the tenant of the property moved several years ago.
She allegedly left the unit in her name so that her son could benefit from a low rent. As an apartment subject to the 1948 law, he asks us to verify the veracity of this information, allowing him to recover the apartment.
The request is to quickly identify the tenant of the apartment in question, and to find the new address of the tenant.
In order for the landlord to recover his property under the 1948 scheme, we had to prove that the tenant:
The appointment is on the phone. The lawyer puts us in touch with the owners of the property. A warrant is established and sent by e-mail.
In order to prove all the elements requested, observations are put in place over 40 hours divided into 5 days of intervention.
The cost of this benefit amounts to 3000 euros HT, part of which can be covered under Article 700 of the Code of Civil Procedure.
Our investigation report allowed the intervention of a judicial officer who was able to observe and recount the facts in a bailiff’s statement.
Thus the dwelling subject to the 1948 law was not inhabited by the tenant but by her homeless-looking son.
The owner was able to make the necessary to recover his property.
Études de cas