
Adultery / Infidelity

Groupe Promotheus - Adultère / Infidélité

Adultery/infidelity and private detective!

Adultery/infidelity for married couples is one of the leading causes of separation in France.

The consequences of infidelity are important not only psychologically but also financially important during a marriage. Knowing if your spouse has an extramarital relationship will help you defend yourself.

Thus, the Prometheus Group provides you with one or more private detectives and allows you to obtain all the necessary evidence to assert your rights.

As it stands, are adultery and infidelity still recognized before the competent courts? What about the abandonment of a marital home? When can I use the services of a private investigator regarding adultery/infidelity?

The detectives of the Prometheus Group are willing to answer all your questions about adultery and infidelity.

The private detectives of the Prometheus Group specialize in the search for evidence and investigations into adultery.

Our investigative reports are admissible before the competent courts.

What the law says about adultery:

Marriage is a contract that sets rights and duties as a spouse. It is governed by Article 212 of the Civil Code states that “spouses owe each other respect, fidelity, relief and assistance.

As a result, infidelity becomes a fault under the law.

How is this fault characterized?

Article 242 of the Civil Code provides for three essential things:

  1. The fault must be recurrent,i.e. registering in time
  2. Maintaining common life is impossible
  3. The non-reconciliation of the couple

The meeting of these three conditions does not always result in fault according to the manners of the couple.

When to hire a private divorce investigator?

We can intervene as detectives essentially in the following cases:

  • Before the ONC (Non-Conciliation Order)
  • Immediately after one of the spouses abandoned the marital home
  • When you notice several signs suggesting that your spouse is cheating on you.
Why prove fault?
How do you prove fault?
  • To check if your spouse has one or more extramarital affairs
  • To identify your co’s lover
  • To prove an anteriority or recurrence of this relationship
  • To prepare a divorce negotiation for misconduct
  • To prepare the claim for damages for moral harm
  • To assess the amount of the compensatory benefit
  • By monitoring and tracking your spouse from home or work
  • By obtaining photos and videos of adultery scenes (kisses, hands held, entrance and exit hotel)
  • By conducting a solvency survey to photograph existing assets and limit the risk of insolvency

Our process

The appointment
The strategy
The mission
The report

The appointment is made by a licensed private investigator of the Prometheus Group:

  • On videoconferencing
  • By phone
  • In the premises of the Prometheus Group
  • In a place of circumstance

This appointment is neither paid nor time-limited.

The private investigator will take the time necessary to listen to you in order to gather all the information necessary to put in place a strategy tailored to your needs.

The strategy will be offered to you based on the information received,the type of mission and the location where it should be carried out.

However, the strategy will be:

  • Adapted to the mission
  • Budgeted according to your needs and possibilities
  • No final extra cost (unless you expressly request to continue the mission)

This strategy will be offered to you via a mission mandate containing different otpions.

Once the proposed warrant has been duly signed, the private investigator assigned to your investigation will work with you to:

  • A mission schedule (modified according to events)
  • A location tracking (without you)

Then the mission will be carried out in accordance with the laws in force. During the mission, the private investigator responsible for carrying out the mission will keep you informed of the progress of the mission.

An investigation report will be provided at the end of the mission.

That will be:

  • Objective (findings of what the detective sees)
  • Detailed and detailed
  • Productable before the competent courts if necessary

You are looking for true proof professionals, contact us without further delay.

To go further

Does the fault divorce still exist?

YES, divorce for fault still exists! Spouses have duties and obligations related to marriage. When one spouse seeks divorce for fault, it requires that the other spouse have committed a serious or renewed violation of duties and obligations, which makes it impossible to maintain the life together. Duties are characterized by assistance and assistance between spouses, respect (prohibition of domestic violence), a community of life (prohibition of abandonment of the marital home) and contribution to the burdens of marriage. Adultery is no longer characterized as a breach of duty and is no longer constituting a divorce for fault, unless other conditions above are involved.

Since the act of July 11, 1965, Parliament has amended the law, no longer systematically acknowledging fault, and is no longer criminally reprehensible. On the other hand, in civil cases, the fault is always reprehensible.

Providing proof of wrongdoing will allow you to negotiate:

– On the one hand, the compensatory benefit provided for in Articles 270 and 271 of the Civil Code
– On the other hand to negotiate damages, a kind of moral prejudice, provided for in Articles 266 and 1240 of the Civil Code “Any fact of man, which causes harm to others, obliges the one through whose fault he has managed to repair it.”

What are the different types of divorce?

There are 5 forms of divorce:
– Divorce by contractual mutual consent
– Divorce by mutual judicial consent
– Divorce for fault
– Divorce accepted
– Divorce as a result of the permanent alteration of the marital relationship

Why call on our private detective agency of the Prometheus Group?

– In order to check the dating of the suspected spouse (places, people met).
– To check whether the suspected spouse has one or more extramarital affairs.
– Get photos and videos to present to the appropriate authorities to enforce your rights or keep them for informational purposes.
– Help get the compensatory benefit assessed.
– Try to identify the supposed lover.
– Allow damages to be obtained.
– Working in conjunction with a judicial officer who will be able to carry out a report of adultery.

When can I call a private investigator during my divorce?

A private investigator can intervene at any time she is in a divorce.
A party simply needs to mandate it so that it can bring its expertise and know-how. No restrictions are mentioned, it is enough a simple need on the part of the parties and the realization of a mandate contract.

Does it necessarily take you to be married to call in a detective?

No, everyone is free to call in a detective. An unmarried couple may quite have doubts about the sincerity of their spouse and call in a detective.
Everyone has the right to use a detective to obtain information to protect themselves from an unfaithful or concealing person.

What is the notion of abandonment of a marital home?

Under Article 215 of the Civil Code, one of the consequences of marriage is the community of life.
This means that there must be a family home. There are still a few exceptions, especially for professional reasons.

Consequences of abandonment of marital home

During the divorce process, if you leave the marital home:
– This may be a fault
– In case of domestic violence, put in place emergency measures with the Family Court Judge and file a complaint
– If you leave home with your children, you need to justify as soon as possible the reasons why you protected your children
– Divorce to the divided wrongs based on the factors that caused your spouse to leave home

Why call on the service of the Prometheus Group when abandoning the marital home?

The private detectives of the Prometheus Group intervene to:
– Prove a fault of the spouse leaving the home (double life)
– Prove an alteration of the marital bond (Case of two separated spouses of body for at least 2 years)
– Prove a new place to live for your spouse on a regular basis
– Support your divorce file to defend your interests

What are our main tips for leaving a marital home?

First, it is important to report to the Police Commissioner’s Office the jurisdiction of your home that you or your spouse or your spouse is leaving your marital home.

If you have left the marital home for violence against you or your children, contact a lawyer who will put in place with the Family Court Judge emergency measures to rule out any wrongdoing on your part.

If your spouse leaves the marital home for no apparent reason, it is best to call on our services. Our investigations will allow you to highlight a double life, or adultery. These investigations will have to be spaced out over time to demonstrate the alteration of the marital relationship.

How to prove adultery or abandonment of marital home with the Prometheus Group?

The appointment

The appointment is the foundation of the success of your investigation, it is the most important step. The information will determine the cost of the intervention.

Whether it is telephone or physical, this will establish a first strategy in terms of hours and feasibility.
From experience, a complete file of adultery varies between 750 euros HT and 2,200 euros HT depending on the items you hold. It is obvious that if you know the places and times of adultery, the cost will be reduced.
We remind you that the appointment is completely free

The after-appointment

Following the appointment, our private investigators will establish an appropriate strategy for your problem. Depending on the difficulties encountered, the strategy can be scalable, however, you will be informed by an endorsement. These may include:
– An additional agent
– Overtime
– Mouth charges if you want dinner near your spouse

Our goal is to optimize the cost of the intervention. In the warrant, you will find the following indications:
– Object of the mission
– Legitimacy of the mission
– Strategy recommended
– Tariff conditions

After signing the mandate, you will have a package of hours and the human and technical means necessary to collect evidence of adultery.

YOU ARE MAITRE OF YOUR HOURS, We are present to advise and guide you during the investigation.

The mission

Once all the elements have been collected, we offer you the identification of the mission, this is an essential step that will allow you to soak up your file.

During the procedure:
– You will be informed of our arrival on the scene by a photo
– You will be in contact with an investigative director
– You will be informed of the facts found by call or written message
– You will be advised by our director of investigation to control budget and emotion
– We will be in contact with your lawyer if you wish who can guide the rest of the investigation

Interacting with your lawyer is an asset, to defend your adultery case, it is important that your lawyer be kept informed of our intervention.

The handing over of the report

Following the intervention, the Director of Investigation of our Private Detective Agencies of the Prometheus Group gives you a detailed and detailed investigation report in which you will find photos. You can also have videos if you need to take them.

Some adulterers are more difficult to prove when nothing happens on public roads, but suspected adultery has been found.

In this case, the private detectives of the Prometheus Group will refer you to a bailiff of justice who can make a report of adultery if:
– Your lawyer obtained an order on request via the Family Court Judge through our report
– A specific date and time that we will determine
For any request for an investigation for Adultery, the private detectives of the Prometheus Group remain at your disposal to defend your interests, until proven otherwise.

Our denial of benefits regarding evidence of infidelity

– We are unable to provide you with phone records
– We will refuse all missions if you have carried out surveillance on your own
– We will refuse to contact your spouse’s lover to keep him away

Is it possible to follow your lover or mistress?

A lover or mistress has no contract or future contract with the individual. This person is then free to choose who he attends and free of what he does in his private life.
Having a relationship with a person does not give you the ability to have the right to follow them. It is difficult to legally justify the reasons for wanting to do so.