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Pensions (food, relief)

Détective privé - Pension Alimentaire

Pensions and private investigator!

There are two pensions. They are put in place as a result of a divorce or reparation.

The two types of pension are:

  • Support
  • The duty of rescue

The two pensions are demarcated over time and calculated according to the personal and professional situation of the spouses.

Child support is a sum of money that contributes to the education of the children or children. The duty of relief is a sum of money that allows the spouse to overcome a sudden decline in living standards.

Both pensions may be reviewed over time if the situation of one of the ex-spouses changes.

The private investigators of the Prometheus Group specialize in the search for evidence and investigations in family matters.

Our investigative reports are admissible before the competent courts.

What the law says!

Support is provided for inArticle 203 of the Civil Code “The spouses enter into a single obligation to feed, care for and raise their children by marriage alone.” This is a monthly amount of money allocated to contribute to the child’s expenses.

Mission objectives
The work of the private investigator
  • Proving the existence of income concealed during divorce (Hidden Work)
  • Determine your ex-spouse’s employer
  • Determine your ex-spouse’s lifestyle
  • Determine your ex-spouse’s real estate holdings
  • Increased support
  • Recovering unpaid child support
  • Monitoring and spinning to determine the lifestyle
  • Monitoring and spinning to prove a hidden work
  • Wealth survey to find all property held by your ex-spouse
  • Solvency survey to recover or revise support

Why do at the services of our Private Detective Agencies of the Prometheus Group?

In contrast to the Alternating Custody, child support is generally allocated to the person with parental authority and custody of the child. It takes into account the monthly income of the person in charge of the child, the cost of living (rent, food shopping, school).

Thus, the spouse with parental authority can use the services of our Agencies to:

  • Determining the existence of income concealed during the divorce, in some cases one of the parents is engaged in an activity whose income may be hidden. In general, these are people in occupations that generate “cash”
  • Determining your ex-spouse’s employer lets you know if your ex-spouse has changed jobs or evolves in the latter
  • Determine your ex-spouse’s lifestyle. If your spouse can no longer pay child support when you know that the spouse regularly goes out to eat at the restaurant. It is a question of establishing the facts announced by your ex-spouse
  • Determine the real estate assets of your ex-spouse who has always refused to inform you of past or future real estate purchase
  • Increase support if your spouse has a significant increase in child support
  • Recovering unpaid child support is about understanding the reasons why your ex-spouse does not pay child support.

The spouse ordered to pay child support may use the services of our agencies to:

  • Check whether child support should be maintained (mostly out-of-school children in the labour market)
  • Revise support is reduced due to a drop in income or the marriage of the ex-spouse

When to use the services of the Prometheus Group?

  • During the divorce proceedings, our intervention will allow you to photograph your spouse’s real estate, avoiding a fraudulent insolvency organization.
  • After the divorce, to provide any new elements to revise up or down child support
  • To the majority of the child or when the child works to have child support cancelled, if he is out of school
The appointment
The strategy
The mission
The report

The appointment is made by a licensed private investigator of the Prometheus Group:

  • On videoconferencing
  • By phone
  • In the premises of the Prometheus Group
  • In a place of circumstance

This appointment is neither paid nor time-limited.

The private investigator will take the time necessary to listen to you in order to gather all the information necessary to put in place a strategy tailored to your needs.

The strategy will be offered to you based on the information received,the type of mission and the location where it should be carried out.

However, the strategy will be:

  • Adapted to the mission
  • Budgeted according to your needs and possibilities
  • No final extra cost (unless you expressly request to continue the mission)

This strategy will be offered to you via a mission mandate containing different otpions.

Once the proposed warrant has been duly signed, the private investigator assigned to your investigation will work with you to:

  • A mission schedule (modified according to events)
  • A location tracking (without you)

Then the mission will be carried out in accordance with the laws in force. During the mission, the private investigator responsible for carrying out the mission will keep you informed of the progress of the mission.

An investigation report will be provided at the end of the mission.

That will be:

  • Objective (findings of what the detective sees)
  • Detailed and detailed
  • Productable before the competent courts if necessary

Our advice:

The Private Detectives of the Prometheus Group advise you in case of application for a review of support, to support your file as much as possible by obtaining evidence justifying your application.

You are looking for true proof professionals, contact us without further delay.

You have a problem, we can help you!

Contact us on '33 1 84 25 60 94 (emergency number)

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